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來(lái)源:http://www.cheapsocialhits.com   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-07-02      


1. Select a suitable launch platform: Tiktok short video ads can be launched on Tiktok, Volcano small video and other platforms. Choosing a suitable platform can better target the target audience.


2. Precise targeting of the target audience: Before advertising, it is necessary to select the appropriate audience based on the characteristics of the product or service for precise positioning.


3. Creating high-quality video content: The video content needs to be attractive, able to attract the audience's attention, while also meeting the audience's taste and needs, and resonating with them.



4. Set appropriate advertising strategies: Based on the characteristics and needs of the audience, develop appropriate advertising strategies, including advertising time, advertising location, advertising frequency, etc.


5. Optimize advertising effectiveness: During the advertising process, it is necessary to continuously monitor advertising effectiveness, adjust and optimize based on data, and improve advertising conversion rate and ROI.

注意事項:高清視頻有利于優(yōu)質(zhì)的流量推薦,低清晰度容易導致視頻不推薦。建議的分辨率是1080*1920,同樣的視頻內容,這個(gè)分辨率給的推薦最多,而且因為手機端口傳視頻會(huì )壓縮視頻,所以如果想要畫(huà)質(zhì)更加清晰的話(huà),最好用電腦端上傳內容。

Attention: High definition videos are beneficial for high-quality traffic recommendations, while low definition videos can easily lead to not being recommended. The recommended resolution is 1080 * 1920. For the same video content, this resolution is the most recommended, and because video transmission through the mobile port compresses the video, it is best to upload content on a computer for clearer image quality.


If the resolution requirement is not met, it can be taken second, but it is important to ensure that the aspect ratio of the video and images is 9:16. In addition, Tiktok needs to be upgraded to the latest version, and the video picture is not overexposed, too dark or stuck.

本文由濟南短視頻運營(yíng)友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.cheapsocialhits.com的態(tài)度.為您提供為全面的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待.

This article is dedicated by Jinan Short Video Operations. For more information, please click: http://www.cheapsocialhits.com Our attitude is to provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned
